Fortnite for Android no longer requires an invite – TechCrunch, Fortnite’s journey to
Android has been an adventure unto itself. It first launched as a Samsung exclusive, alongside the Note 9, before circumventing the Play Store to arrive on Google’s .
Android Beta -, To get started, please visit on an Android device, or scan the QR code below..
Fortnite for Android no longer requires an invite as , Starting today, you no longer need an invite to play Fortnite for Android on any compatible device. In case this is your first time on the internet for the past several months, Fortnite is the .

Fortnite For Android Now Available For All, No Invite , The exclusivity period for playing the Fortnite beta on Android on Samsung Galaxy devices has come to an end, and now anyone with a compatible Android phone or tablet can download the game..
Fortnite for Android No Longer Requires an Invite to Play, After launching as an invite-only beta for Android a few months ago, Fortnite is now available for most everyone with any Android device. Epic on Thursday announced the game no longer requires an .
Fortnite for Android is now open to all, no invite , It just got easier to start playing Fortnite on your Android phone. On Thursday, Epic Games announced that it's opening up the Fortnite beta to all compatible Android devices, no more invites .
'Fortnite' On Android Open To All, No Longer Requires Invite, "Fortnite" on Android is now open to all. Game enthusiasts and industry personnel attend the Epic Games Fortnite E3 Tournament at the Banc of California Stadium on June 12, 2018 in Los Angeles..
Fortnite Android Released Free To All, No Invite Needed , The Fortnite beta an Android has gone open, so you no longer need an invite to throw down in the popular battle royale on your Android phone or tablet..
Fortnite on Android no longer requires an invite to play , However, the Android version has required an invite to play, and it's not available on the Google Play Store. Its maker Epic Games has solved one of those problems by removing the invite requirement..